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Writer's pictureWonder

Like the desert missed the rain...

I am currently enrolled in a program that is making it possible for me to have my therapy license. I’m really excited about this program and the process and learning to be a yoga therapist is proving to be hopefully is rewarding as it will be working with the clients in the future. With that mentioned the past few weeks have been really difficult there been some hardships that have occurred and some experiences that I’m sure I will talk about later, but I just haven’t really wrapped my head around exactly how things have gone down.

One thing that I’m taking away that’s really important is the fact that as a yoga therapist I am not here to treat or fix anyone. I am here to empower people to treat and fix themselves. You’re fine people that say they know because of their faith or because of what ever they have been told in their lives is true they believe and all is cosmic and well.

I’ll tell you it’s the process, it’s all a process. It doesn’t matter if you are recovering from an addiction that’s plagued you for years or if you’re in remission from stage four cancer which doesn’t happen that often. You have to look at your circumstances and realize that there’s a very special process to be able to influence your mind and body to heal itself, which it’s very capable of and will do if given the correct instructions.

People I will be more responsive and consistent with the blog moving further, I should be back tonight to talk about meditation and how it’s working for me. I also have some really important stuff to share about my future in the Apex that my life is at in this moment.I hope this Friday finds you well and rested from Valentine’s Day which is a really creepy holiday if you ask me. I might even talk about that a little later in my blog, I have missed writing for the past week or so but as I said before there were things that have happened that kept me away from my writing because I had responsibility and obligation elsewhere. I dedicate my writing to a person that will be missed, please keep your close ones close and remind them of your love. You never know when you will not be able. Love you Jules.

Be Well

-❤️ Wonder

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Jul 31, 2022

Thank you for writingg this

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