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Writer's pictureWonder

Honestly ... I am crazy as hell.

I have just spent almost 48 hours reworking my whole website. I cannot imagine how long it would’ve taken me if I had to write the code that I used to have to write when I was in graphic design school. I’m still going strong on my no added sugar diet, I really think it’s given me some clarity which is why I was able to buckle down and finish my website like I’ve wanted to for the past six months.

I find that I am inspired quite often by old and shitty ideas that I used to have about life. Ideas that I never thought would be within my grasp as well, because I was either high, drunk, or in some type of twisted relationship that made codependency look like a vacation.

It’s eye-opening when you realize that your mental illness is something that drives you. Unipolar mania has placed me in as many good situations as negative ones. For those who are unaware of the existence of unipolar mania ... is it’s like ADHD but if you could pump it up a little bit and give it a 16oz Monster , mix it with a mental atmosphere of Las Vegas and New York city, with an inability to sleep at all then you would have a clue. It does however have its advantages, I can clean a house effectively in about 4 1/2 hours, a whole house and I’m not talking about half-assing it, I’m talking about blinds, toilets and inside the stove. I can also write several meditation and yoga classes to go with them in about an hour. On the flipside when I crash it’s like I’ve never slept before, and then I wake up I’m so hungry because I’ve been to focused to eat. I don’t have manic fits very often anymore because I’ve learned to maintain with meditation practice and I do my best to not eat foods that feed it. With that being said I am kind of proud of myself. I’ve achieved a few things in my life that I probably wouldn’t have been able to do had I not had the streamline focus that mania gives me.

With the new release of my website I wanted to let you lovely people know that you can contact me via chat button now. There’s also a page where you can book an appointment with me, you can donate money or not pay anything at all, I did that on purpose because I feel I am worth more than cash. I also know that a lot of people need some type of resolve , and I don’t know who has the money to drop for yoga practice every single day. It’s also available on my website if one would like to evaluate their wellness with food situation, I am finishing my HHC this year, and I am confident that I can help people in that area. I also read tarot cards, do birth charts, and work in therapeutic chakra techniques. I do not require payment for most of these things, I do ask that you use my booking that way my time is well-placed and I can help as many people as possible.

I will be back to my blog after this one every day sometimes twice a day. I also I separated them into different topics that way if you don’t want to read my blabber on a certain topic, you don’t have to suffer.

Please feel free to comment or question anything always. I look forward to obtaining my therapeutic yoga license this year, that will allow me to be able to work closely with people that are in treatment programs. I already work with people in recovery presently , I just wanted the credentials so I could work in hospitals and with the military.

I hope the beginning of the year is going as well for everyone that’s reading this as it is for me. The moon is in Taurus right now which explains why I had the patience , diligence, perseverance and practicality to finish the website project. The Taurus Moon likes jobs that ask for prolonged and persistent effort, but it is also good for complete rest in comfort and coziness.

The Moon will be in Leo for the full on Monday, which builds big desire to be noticed and appreciated,to gain the centre of other people's attention will be apparent and don’t be surprised if your feels are expressed way vivid and on your sleeve. That’s a Leo for ya! Ha ha. Create something and do shit that inspires you and lets you express your mental space.

Breathe, smile, spend some time with your mind. Be good to yourselves. Know that the universe Is going to take care of things, it may not always be the way that you want but with a little bit of patience and understanding things will come full circle. They ALWAYS do.

Be Well ♥️ Wonder

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