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Daily Dharma 1/28/2020 Tuesday

đŸ„žTUESDAY:đŸ„žNational Blueberry Pancake day!!!

I ♄blueberries, and am grateful for ALL the other magical things that are made available to me on a daily basis by this amazing rock we hang out on ...I pray this finds you smiling as always .

Happiness is when what you say, what you think, and what you do are in harmony. - Mahatma Gandhi

Today was actually a really good day, unlike many days my little, 11-year-old Hayden, got up for school today and was a complete angel. Developing a routine for a child at this age can be almost impossible. Watching a young person initiate their habits, and create spaces for themselves, is so interesting to me. In my opinion she’s doing a really amazing job, especially with all that comes against young people these days. So kudos to you baby girl..

I saw not too long ago, my best friend posted it somewhere in her social media and it said ” be the person YOU Needed when you were young “ I’m not quite sure who said it, but it made me reflect and think about exactly how I could implement myself in order to be more available mentally for my little girl.

We are all put on this planet, or rock or whatever you wanna call it for some reason, I truly believe that we are called but sometimes it takes us a lifetime to figure it out. If I would’ve been meditating when I was 11 years old I can only imagine the mountains I could’ve moved by the time I was 40. Which moves me along to my next statement everything we do requires , Actually it doesn’t just require us it’s mandates us to be more responsible for who we are and who we want to be.

When you’re focused so hard on the world around you and not your inner self and your true purpose it gets all discombobulated and makes for a Clash of the Titans within our minds , so to speak. All it takes is a couple moments a day especially in the beginning. Just close your eyes and sit down or stand up or lay down and breathe. Connect with your true thoughts not just thoughts of what you think you want but what you truly aspire to be. I sometimes think about what’s holding me back inside, what I am hiding from myself that makes me even think of being a lesser version of myself and I truly, and then I replace it with thoughts of what I can do to make others lives better for the return of that energy can only create space for great things to happen for both parties.

All I know is that life is pretty damn short, and every day is a passing moment to turn everything around and push for a better world, or for a better everything.

Yeah I like that, a better everything.

BE well

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